Thursday 25 February 2021

English Task: Procedure Text

Name: Yuma Yumna Jauza Maulidka
Class: XI MIPA 8
Absent: 34


Life in high school is not as easy as imagined. many challenges that must be overcome such as a busy school schedule, many assignments, endless tests, and so on. I'm sure everyone has their own way to solve their problems as a high school student. But I have tips for my friends, especially for high school students, namely how to be a successful student in high school.

I outline eight things that successful high school students do to maximize their learning opportunities and prepare for the future. Doing these things will not only help you to become a successful high school student, but a successful college student as well. Lay the foundation now for the mindset and work habits necessary in college and you’ll not only optimize your high school years but also hit the ground running when you graduate.

1. Set Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

Set realistic long-term goals and work backwards from those to set smaller short-term goals to act as stepping stones. Then, make a plan to achieve these goals. For example, if you want to self study for the university entrance exam, you should set some smaller goals to help prepare for it. By setting a deadline for ordering study books, joining online study programs, and completing tutorials, you break the big task down into smaller, more manageable pieces.

2. Master Time Management

In order to optimize your performance across multiple aspects of your life, you’ll need to develop strong time management skills. This means making and sticking to study schedules, developing systems of organization that work well for you, and learning the art of multitasking.

3. Be Active Outside the Classroom

Successful high school students don’t disappear outside the walls of their classroom. They are also engaged members of their community. Get involved with issues that impact your student experience. Educate yourself about the issues facing your community and learn to use your voice productively so that people will listen to your ideas.

4. Participate in Class

Successful students know, though, that class participation is a means towards the end. Students who participate in class are more engaged in their learning and are better able to encode information in their memories, since thoughtful questions and consideration lend context to new information. In addition, participating in class shows your teachers that you’re listening and thinking about the material that’s being presented. Teachers are more likely to think of you as a dedicated student when you participate regularly in class discussions.

5. Take Good Care of Yourself

Sometimes, when you are committed to being a strong student, a dedicated participant in outside activities, and a model of effective prep for standardized tests, you might forget that you also need to be committed to yourself. Getting enough sleep, eating well, and taking good mental care of yourself.

6. Find Your Passions

High school isn’t just a time to prove your intellect and capability of tackling college level work. You should also think of it as a unique opportunity to figure out what makes you tick. Students who can identify their passions and pursue them are more engaged and motivated to succeed. Experiment with different extracurriculars and pursue the activities that truly interest and fascinate you.

7. Earn Leadership Roles

Instead of spreading yourself thin and participating in many activities, try to focus on a few and advance to leadership roles. Successful students know that this focus and determination sets you apart more than simply a commitment to attend many weekly meetings.

8. Build and Use a Support Network

Build strong relationships with teachers and peers, establish connections with learning resources like the writer’s center or study hall teachers, and connect with mentors to ensure that you have a support system in place, even if you never use it. Further, don’t hesitate to reach out to the appropriate resource should you need a hand.